Apply for finance

Apply for Finance

We invest in small and growing businesses that have the ability to scale up and be sustainable as well as create positive impact in the communities in which they operate. Please make sure you read the investmeent criteria before you click on the button below.


Investment Criteria

We consider applications for funding from businesses that fufills the following criteria.

We finance and support businesses that operate in Nigeria and across the diaspora of Africa Applications from businesses that operate in other continents cannot be considered.

The business operates in one of the investment focus sectors of Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Real estate, technology, logistics, and food services. Other sectors can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We typically invest in businesses with these maturity profiles:

  • Early-stage (1-3 years) – Start-ups are considered when they are backed by an entrepreneur with significant experience, track record and material financial commitment to the venture.
  • Early maturity (3-6 years)
  • Mature (6 years)

The entrepreneur should have significant own investment in the business, have the ability to manage a business – from operations, sales, financial management, administration, and leadership. They must be willing to work with us as a value adding financier and share management information regularly. They must have growth ambition and demonstrate integrity as well as professionalism in their dealings.

Though LIC business support program has no minimum requirement, we do expect entrepreneurs to (partly) secure the loan if collateral is available. Quality and value of collateral does play an important part in the overall risk assessment. Personal guarantees of the entrepreneur(s) is required.

The business must be able to have a measurable impact in terms of the number of jobs supported and sustained, female ownership, female employment and semi-/unskilled labour. SMEs that provide indirect job opportunities (e.g. training, skills development) and/or environmental services (water, waste, energy, ecotourism) are also attractive to LIC.​​

We invest between N5OO,000 – N2,000,000

Typically, 3-8 years. Loan repayment term must be aligned with the purpose of the loan.

Businesses we don't associate with

  • Any business contravening environmental law or leading to damage/pollution.
  • Any business known to be related to animal testing/live exports/fur trade.
  • Any business known to be related to human rights abuses (e.g. child labour/oppression).
  • Any business known to be associated with extremist political or religious groups/cults.
  • Any business known to be related to unconventional gambling (e.g. internet gaming).
  • Production or activities involving forced labour or child labour.
  • Production of or trade in any product or activity deemed illegal under host country laws or regulations or international conventions and agreements.
  • Pornography or prostitution or the provision of products or services of a substantially similar nature.
  • Gambling, casinos, and equivalent enterprises or substantial involvement in these.
  • Production of or trade in pharmaceuticals subject to international phase outs or bans.
  • We do not invest in financial intermediation businesses or non profits such as NGOs, and community groups.
Apply below if you meet the funding qualifications
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